Keeping Ties
English teacher Anthony Galindo begins his switch from english teacher at NW to associate principal at Hocker Grove
More stories from Stella Grist
English teacher Anthony Galindo has spent the last several years as an english teacher at NW. As he has gained teaching experience and leadership abilities, he has begun his transition to an administrative position at Hocker Grove.
“For the last five years, I’ve been an English teacher ,” Galindo said. “More specifically, for the last couple of years, a part of that was being the English teacher for the Academy Program, where we have students who are focusing on one core content plan for the first four periods of the day and they get a semester’s credit in four weeks.”
For the last 12 years, Galindo has been in primarily teaching positions. His goal was to, eventually, work up to an administrative position.
“ was definitely always something that I was open to,” Galindo said. “One thing that was really important to me was having really solid teaching experience first. So, seven years in special education before I came to NW, and then I was an English teacher at NW for five years, so 12 years of experience, felt like I had that taken care of. Just being at NW allowed me to say that was probably the right way to go because I saw myself kind of being a leader, as a teacher.”
In his new position, he will have many new responsibilities he didn’t have at NW. Being an associate principal brings many new jobs and experiences.
“When you’re an associate principal in a middle school, at Hocker at least, you’re part of a team of three administrators,” Galindo said. “There’s one principal and then there’s one other associate. At that school, they have one associate per grade level. So, one thing I’m responsible for is the eighth grade class… There are also particular things that really cover the whole school, that we have sort of split up. For example, I’m the transportation coordinator for the school, so I’ll be responsible for making sure all the bussing and any other way that students get to school, making sure that that’s organized. Technology would be the other big one.”
During his time at NW, Galindo has made some strong friendships and will miss the atmosphere of the school.
“I’d say the first thing would just be the culture, which is a product of the students and the staff,” Galindo said. “I just thought it was always a really fun, positive, inclusive place to be. I really love the adults that I work with and I have many relationships with people from Northwest that will be lifelong friendships and I’m glad that I’m staying in the district and not going to be too far away. And then, just that positive, enthusiastic attitude that our students have, as well. It’s just, to me it’s a place where it’s fun to be there every day.”
Galindo’s close ties to SMSD made him pursue an administrative position in the district. He hopes to remain close with his NW friends, along with using his prior knowledge of SMSD to succeed at Hocker Grove.
“It’s definitely difficult to make that jump from teacher to administrator, it’s really competitive,” Galindo said. “I did interviews with other districts… I knew that I had so much more comfort with our district, because I know how things work. I’ve done work within our building at the district level where I’ve gotten involved with a lot of different people from different schools. I feel so much more comfortable. And I just connect it to it emotionally, our district kind of feels like family to me. was definitely something that I wanted to happen.”
This step was a long time coming for Galindo. Through years of school and years of teaching, he has finally reached his goal of being in an administrative job.
“Getting to this point takes several years to get a master’s degree first in educational leadership, so it’s like I very much look forward to finally doing it after It’s been basically a three year investment of time,” Galindo said. “More specific to that school, is just the entire SM North community; it’s just a really tight, strong, passionate group of people. The staff that I’ve met so far have been great. The admin team, specifically, which is Dr. Case and Dr. Brogdon. They’re both phenomenal and people that I’ve kind of admired for a while… I feel like I have a good feel for the schools and I’m just excited to be a part of that.”
As Galindo leaves NW, he remains close to the school through keeping his job of being an announcer at varsity football games.
“Last year, I was the announcer for varsity football and Giacalone asked me to continue to do that, even though I’m leaving the school,” Galindo said. “That’s kind of a cool NW connection, like I’m still going to be able to go to all our home football games and be the announcer to see all my colleagues that are there… and then students, as well. So, even though I’m making the switch in buildings, I’m just excited to kind of hang on to stay in the NW community a little bit.”

Hello! My name is Stella Grist and I am Co-Editor-in-Chief of the NW Passage. I am a senior this year and this is my fourth year on newspaper staff. Journalism...