Students have to make big decisions every day; should going to the bathroom be one of them?
However, this dream of mine has been crushed by the students who feel the need to let us know they are rebelling from society by writing the latest gossip on the restroom’s walls. C’mon it’s the bathroom, not the National Enquirer’s story idea board.
We were blessed two years ago with new bathrooms and this year are lucky to have new facilities in the art wing, by the new health rooms and adjacent to the new gym. Even the restrooms just outside the main gym have gotten a major facelift. I figured after the vandalism problems we’ve had the past couple years, students would understand that enough is enough. But a recent e-mail was sent to the faculty saying that vandalism is already a problem, and they may need to enforce drastic measures.
Drastic measures?
Are they going to place armed guards in front of all the bathrooms? No, and they shouldn’t have to. Those who feel the need to write the latest NW gossip on the bathroom walls need to find a better place to do this, or just don’t do it at all.
So just for you social addicts, I have fond a solution.
I would like to see the school put up a giant piece of paper in every bathroom where students can be free to write whatever their heart feels. It would be beautiful. Students would be exposed to the vast array of bathroom poetry and NW gossip.
Unfortunately, due to budget cuts, I doubt the school can afford a giant piece of paper for each bathroom. Only in my dreams, I guess.
So until something is done, we should stick with the current sign-out policy. The clipboard system is perfect and flawless in theory, but many of my teachers don’t enforce the policy. If vandalism is going to stop, it needs to start with the teachers. I’m talking about mandatory checks of the bathrooms after passing periods for teachers on plan that hour. If vandalism is found, all we have to do is check the clip boards to see who was out during that time.
But above all, students need to realize writing vulgar things on the restroom walls isn’t an act of rebellion. It’s just annoying.
One more thing: for the student who feels the need to take the toilet paper and fling it across the bathroom, I want you to go home and pick your favorite bathroom. Find the nearest roll of toilet paper, and give it a toss. Have all the fun you want. Then clean it up. See how much fun that is.
My fellow students, I beg you, stop vandalizing the bathrooms. I would just for once like to go to the bathroom without feeling like I have to fill out a job application to go.