During one major fight that occurred this year, associate principal Eddie Lyday and SRO Hank Goodman were injured while trying to restrain two students.
“It was a situation where it was just a freak accident. I had him by his shirt, and he went one way and my ring finger went the other way,” Lyday said.
Lyday suffered a jersey finger, an injury to the flexor tendon of the finger. The injury required surgery and his entire hand and arm to be immobilized for a period of time. Goodman suffered a neck injury while trying to restrain the other student.
In light of this fight, students wondered if this year was more violent than years past, a point on which students and administrators tend to disagree.
“I don’t think the quantity has increased, but I think we had one fight where a police officer and an administrator were both injured, which was probably one of the worst fights,” principal Dr. Bill Harrington said.
While trying to place one student under arrest, Goodman took an elbow to his jaw, which twisted his neck to the side. It happened so fast that Goodman didn’t realize it until around 20 minutes later. He has been going to physical therapy since September and is still suffering from swelling as well as pain when turning his head from side to side. He may have some possible nerve damage. Although both suffered serious injuries, neither is angry.
“I don’t have animosity toward the kids. You have to take the risks,” Goodman said.
Lyday also said that it was solely an accident that he was injured, but that did not help either student’s case. One student was expelled for trying to continue the fight, and the other was suspended.
Administrators have some idea on why there are fewer fights here at NW.
“I think when you see someone being expelled, the students see it isn’t worth it. I think that’s had an impact, other than the fact that we have a really good group of kids this year,” Lyday said. SRO Officers also have the same view on the school year.
Students feel differently. “There hasn’t been a lot of fighting this semester, but there were about 5 or 6 fights last semester, mostly between boys,” sophomore Taylor Greenwood said. Greenwood has also been involved in a fight this year, though it did not occur at NW.
“I got into a fight with someone because I was sticking up for two freshmen,” Greenwood said. “We got into it because I said she shouldn’t be messing with them because she’s older, and we both started saying things that didn’t need to be said,” she said.
SRO Coenen believes that fighting at NW is not as common as people think.
“We actually haven’t had a fight since September. We’ve been close a few times, but we’ve actually had less fights this school year,” officer Coenen said.
-Rachel Ferencz