Week in Photos (Jan. 29 – Feb. 4)

This week in photos covers the Sweetheart Assembly, a Varsity Boys’ basketball game, KUGR class, a Varsity wrestling meet and Weights class.

Anna Torres

During the Sweetheart Assembly, senior Cynthia Chen performs her cheer routine Feb. 3 in the Main Gym. Every routine beings with a cheer and ends with a dance. “Dancing has always been a crucial part of cheer,” Chen said. “It demonstrates the musicality and athleticism of a cheerleader, it also makes the overall routine more enjoyable to watch and helps move the crowd more than just cheer and stunts.”

Mid-air, sophomore Aiven Riley attempts to score Jan. 31 at Mill Valley. After making it into overtime, the Cougars lost 80-75. “I think we played well, but we definitely could’ve played better defensively and rebounded better as well,” Riley said. “We’ll be good in these upcoming games we have ahead if we can execute and play well defensively and also have fun.” (Sydney Jackson)
Senior Nat Rogers tightens the screw on a boom mic Feb. 2 in Room 153. In preparation for her mastery project, Rogers set up equipment prior to shooting. “If you don’t have it set up beforehand, you won’t have time to test it and make sure everything’s working properly,” Rogers said. “ I record a small snippet of audio to make sure that it’s recording properly and play it back to make sure the audio levels are good.” (Evan Johnson)
Competing in the Boys’ Varsity Dual, senior Lucas Hageman holds his opponent’s wrists Feb. 1 in the Main Gym. Hageman holds his opponent’s wrists when wrestling to gain wrist control so he can set up a shot. “To maintain a lead it’s important to be really good on your feet,” Hageman said. “You can’t win tough matches without good technique in neutral.” (Kara Simpson)
Junior Gabe Hoskins performs a hang clean Feb. 3 in Room I. The hang clean targets muscles ranging from the glutes and hamstrings to the quadriceps, biceps and core. “ work on the explosiveness,” Hoskins said. “ staying solid, staying strong, and staying tight.” (Evan Johnson)