Natalie Peterson 

The full interview with 2021 homecoming court queen candidate Natalie Peterson 

Stella Grist (she/her), Co-Editor-in-Chief

Who were you nominated by?

I was nominated by Cheer and Spirit Club. 

What are you involved in at Northwest?

This is a long list. Varsity and Competition Cheer, Spirit Club President, Senior Class Vice President, CCC Publicist, Varsity Girls’ Tennis, Varsity Baseball manager NHS. 

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Mac and cheese, for sure. 

What’s the best movie ever made?

That is so hard. I don’t know if I can pick a specific movie, but I love the Fast and the Furious movies, like all of them. They’re really stupid, but I like them. 



What’s your favorite song?

Basically, all I listen to is Taylor Swift. If I had to pick, right now, probably All Too Well, since she’s re-recording ‘Red’. 

What is your most frequently used emoji?

If I had to guess, it would be the eye roll one. It’s literally the smiley face, but I use it in a sarcastic way. 

What’s your biggest fear?

On a surface level, I would say spiders. I don’t know if I really have any big, philosophical ones. 

Who is your hero?

I’d probably say my sister. She’s my biggest inspiration. 

Who has been your most influential teacher? 

That’s so hard. I would probably say Moberg just because I’ve had her for spirit club and tennis and stuff, so I’ve interacted with her a lot throughout high school.

If you could say one thing to the rest of the senior class, what would it be?

That is so hard. I would say, since we only have one year left together let’s just savor it, and everybody   have fun and be nice to each other. We still have a chance to make a lot of good memories, so I think we should take that opportunity. 

If you could say one thing to underclassmen, what would it be?

Just enjoy it, because you really don’t realize how quickly time flies. You’ll look up and it’ll be senior year and you’ll realize the majority of your high school experience is over.

What will you always remember about NW?

Honestly, leaving the parking lot after school, just how hectic it is, and trying not to hit other people. That sounds so dumb, but it’s so stressful.