Ad Astra Nutrition

My favorite local nutrition club


Strawberry lemonade, Jayhawker and Arnold Palmer teas from Ad Astra Nutrition.

Ally Pruente, Online Editor

As I grow older, I’ve developed a want for a healthy plate, but my childhood addiction to sweets still remains. The balance between what you need to fuel your body and what you want is a hard battle to overcome. During the past couple months, I’ve found the perfect alternative to appease my sweet tooth and keep my plate equally proportioned: Ad Astra Nutrition. 

Ad Astra is a local nutrition club that serves energy teas, shakes, aloe shots and coffees. The store itself resonates with me because it’s truly welcoming. Their logo features an outline of the state of KS with the cursive letters “Ad Astra Nutrition” plastered in the middle. The graphic including KS is just one way the shop really does give off a local feeling.  

The service is also completely unbelievable. Everytime I visit, I’m greeted by the owner, Keegan Wilson, with nothing but joy. She is the face of the company and does a perfect job making everyone who steps foot in Ad Astra feel truly appreciated. The first time I visited, Wilson helped me decide which flavors best fit my taste and really helped me better understand her products. 

My personal experience is mostly with Ad Astras’ teas and shakes. I absolutely love their largest size teas, or mega teas, and have tried quite a few of the flavors they offer. My taste is more fruity and tropical, so I really enjoyed the Georgia Peach, KC Sunset and Arnold Palmer teas. As for shakes, Creamsicle is my all time favorite, but I also love the specialty shakes. I’ve tried a flavored aloe shot alongside one of my teas.  I think they’re super good and have many side effects that are super positive. Aloe shots are good for digestive health, and taste better than they sound. To spice things up, you have the option to include aloe in your tea to boost the health benefits. 

Almost year round, Ad Astra has specialty shakes and teas for certain occasions. For example, during their one year anniversary, they offered a birthday cake shake and a skittles tea. One week they had a Frozen theme, where they offered shakes and or teas inspired by all the characters from the movie. There is usually always a new weekly or monthly theme at Ad Astra, which makes it hard not to go in and try their new options. 

I truly do believe that there are many health benefits behind nutrition drinks when matched with exercise and balanced eating. Even if you’re not super into energizing teas and don’t believe they benefit you, Ad Astra is worth the try. The environment is so friendly and the perfect place to try something new. The customers and the employees are really there to better themselves and others through healthy alternatives.