The sun is shining its warm light on the back deck, the pollen is making my nose itch and the birds are singing. I would like to be able to eat outside when it is nice like on that particular day, as I am sure many other people would. We were trusted as middle-schoolers to go outside at least once a day after lunch, out into the pavilion to soak up some vitamin D. But now, we must stay inside and eat within the confines of the mall or cafeteria, until we are seniors, and then we can pay to be allowed to leave the building. It is slightly outrageous.
A majority of students are more than responsible enough to be allowed to walk outside for 25 minutes and eat their lunch under the supervision of teachers. This privilege could also be offered to students who meet a certain GPA, a bonus for achieving in class. Taking an outdoor lunch would be a reward to students, one that would also require clean up and appropriate behavior. The students eating outside would re-energize and finish their day more focused.
The south end of the parking lot is one of two decent spots that could be used, below the fences and near the track, or on the lawn running alongside 67th Street. Both are large, easily accessible areas that are open enough for teachers to monitor from one spot.
Wood shop classes could make tables for the school, it would serve as a graded project for them, and it would help the school and students by creating an outdoor eating area.
A few potential problems would be staffing the outside area supervision and keeping it clean. One of the three teachers from cafeteria lunch duty could go outside. The students would be required to pick up their trash. Environmental Ed. could set up a compost pile for organic trash, recycling areas for plastics, and a trash can for the rest. Students would be in charge of taking their tray’s back into the lunchroom, or we could just use cardboard trays, like people who go sit in the mall use.
The students of Northwest are responsible enough to be allowed outside for lunch. With a little extra sunshine, the students could take a break from their day and go back for their afternoon classes more focused.