Influential Seniors: Erin Moody

Hear from 2023 influential senior Erin Moody

NW Passage Staff

Who’s your role model and why?

“I’d say my role model is Michelle Obama or Nicki Minaj. Because they’re just strong, independent women who made a name for themselves by themselves. And I want to be like that.”

How do you think you’ve left your mark at NW?

“I hope I’ve opened Northwest to more inclusivity. Being one of the first African American (student body) presidents and homecoming queen, I hope it’s opened people’s eyes and just made Northwest more inclusive to all people.”

What do you wish you could’ve accomplished?

“I wish I could have met more people at the school. It was really hard to learn everyone who was going here when we didn’t see each other for a whole year and then there’s a new group of kids. I know there’s a lot of kids that I wish I met earlier.”