Course Catalog
A rundown of select courses offered at the CAA
Senior Xavier Williamson compiles resources for a manufacturing project Jan. 20. Williamson is enrolled in Engineering Design & Development course. “The CAA has been a very good experience for real world application,” Williams said.
January 31, 2023
Biotechnology consists of four courses centering around the technology that harnesses the natural world to help improve lives.
The four courses include SLOP, which teaches standard laboratory operating procedures; Recumbent DNA and Protein Diagnostics, Biotech in Agriculture and Pharmaceuticals, and Biotech Research and Professional Learning Experience.
“Science doesn’t always work out the way you plan,” Gast said. “The answer isn’t the answer you were expecting or the answer you should have gotten. So there’s been many a failed experiment. That’s science, baby.”
Animation and Interactive Media courses focus on using computer software to learn multimedia skills in animation, motion graphics and game design. The three courses include Game Design and Development, 3D Modeling and Animation, and 2D animation.
“{2D animation} opened up a lot more careers in animation {for me},” junior Teal Franklin said. “There’s also 3D animation, but I wouldn’t have even thought to try that out until taking this class. I want to be an art teacher, so I could incorporate that. ”
The culinary program is divided into three parts including baking, cooking and restaurant management. Students can enter competitions and execute original versions of recipes to win awards.
Among the courses students are required to take is ServSafe, which is cleanliness in the kitchen and Culinary for Beginners, which teaches sauces, plating and common, simple techniques.
“We have guest chefs come in every once in a while to teach us skills,” junior Terry Dahlin said. It’s really a community where I’ve learned to navigate my creative self and I’ve just had so much fun.”

Next year, the CAA is adding courses in Plant and Soil Science. The program will be housed in the green house and students will learn greenhouse operations.
“As the students learn those skills, they’ll help operate the farming greenhouse,” Flurry said. “{They will} work with culinary, with the farmers markets and also with our elementary schools. All of our elementary schools have little gardens.”
The CAA offers a wide variety Health Science courses. Prerequisites include Anatomy, Physiology and Exploring Medical Health Sciences Careers.
The CAA offers Medical Health Science 2, Sports Med 2 and Clinical Health Investigation as well as Clinical Nurse Assistant (CNA) class and an Emergency Medical Services class are also offered.
“{The courses} help with your communication skills as well as teach students how to talk professionally in the medical field, “ Krystin Thomas-Bird said.