Monday’s Cougar Core Schedule
Cougar Core Day Requirements
December 2, 2018
Monday Dec. 3, is the fourth #CougarCore day of the year and is an early release day. Those who have the permission slip form signed by their parents and have met the Cougar Core standards, have permission to leave when announced. Cougar Core standards are two or less unexcused absences, one or less unexcused class absences, C- or above in all classes, no discipline referrals and five or fewer tardies. This resets every month.
Monday’s Schedule
Hour 1: 7:40-8:26
Hour 2: 8:31-9:17
Hour 3: 9:22-10:08
Hour 4: 10:13-10:59
Hour 5: Lunch 1: 11:04-11:29
Lunch 2: 11:34-11:59
Lunch 3: 12:04-12:29
Hour 6: 12:34-1:20
Hour 7: 1:25-2:11
CC: 2:15-2:40