With fast food being shoved down American’s throats everyday, it’s doubtful that America will ever be able to leave the dollar menu.
I love fast food. There’s nothing better than going out to lunch and stuffing myself full of grease and saturated fat. Not only do I love the feeling of my arteries clogging, but I love how cheap it is to do it. My “usual” at McDonalds (two McChickens, small fry and a large drink) is a mere $4.31. Yes, the fast food life is the best, and it’s safe to say that I may never be able to get away from it.
So when a friend posed the question, “Why not try eating healthy for today?” I stepped back, putting up a cross (made out of fries) in fear that the fast food gods would strike him down for this blasphemous statement. But his question actually cleared my mind of the greasy burgers and fries and allowed me to think straight, or at least, healthy.
Then the large Coke knocked some sense into my head. We will never make America a truly healthy country. Sorry, Vince, but the Slap-Chop isn’t going to make America skinny again. I’ve found there are two things Americans hate the most: accepting new ideas and physical activity. Being healthy, unfortunately, requires people to do both of those.
Healthy. The term itself is a relatively new concept when it comes to the average American. Our bellies have been filled with fast food for the majority of our lives and changing our eating habits could be treacherous to our stomachs’ values. Personally, I find “health” food boring. If they presented it half as well as most fast food chains presented their grease burgers, then I’m positive sales would sky rocket. C’mon, who wouldn’t want to eat food that is presented by a creepy clown?
It’s an issue of the food’s presentation. People love the fact that fast food is fun and cheap. That’s why I love it. I love that when I’m thinking about getting a fourth meal, I can have it my way; I’m lovin’ it.
I will be the first to admit, though, I have tried eating healthy. The food was incredible, and I left feeling a sense of accomplishment for not ordering food that made me feel like I was dying slowly. Thinking about it now, I’m pretty positive that I don’t like fast food. The only thing that keeps me away from it, though: the price. One meal, which in all honesty didn’t fill me up half as much as my “usual” at McDonalds would, cost me about twice the price. I thought that was ridiculous. So for now, I’ll stick to my “usual”.
I’m not sure if America will ever satisfy it’s never-ending appetite for fast food. Personally, I’m positive I will struggle leaving the dollar menu. Maybe someday I’ll learn to eat healthy, but all I know now is that if I stay in the drive-thru lane, I’m screwed when my metabolism gives out.