Lesson 11 – December 21: Holiday Expectations

December 27, 2022

No matter how cliche it may be, the expression “there is no place like home for the holidays,” holds more weight this winter. It is starting to sink in that this will be my last Christmas living at home. I am about to go off to college, start a life of my own, become an adult. These thoughts have put more pressure on this holiday season: I need to make more plans, be more adventurous, experience everything I want to do in a lifetime in the span of two weeks. Obviously, it’s impossible for me to completely suck the marrow out of life by the time winter break ends, but that doesn’t stop me from having those expectations.

I have decided to meet myself in the middle. I will be a bit more adventurous than usual, but I shouldn’t expect myself to find the cure to cancer before winter break is over. I have a lifetime to experience all that I want, and nothing is preventing me from seeing friends and family once I graduate.

In spite of never wanting to admit that I listen to Billy Joel, today I will leave you with a quote of his: 

“Slow down you crazy child, you’re so ambitious for a juvenile…Where’s the fire, what’s the hurry about? You better cool it off before you burn it out,”  -Billy Joel, “Vienna.”

If you find yourself in a similar position, wanting to do everything you can to hold onto the people and places of Shawnee, remember Billy Joel. Remember that you have an unscripted future ahead of you and limitless potential. That’s a gift we shouldn’t take for granted.

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